(with knife) coup m de couteau , (with dagger) coup m de poignard, (with fork) coup f de fourchette → « He was killed by one stab of the knife. Il a été tué d'un seul coup de couteau. » a stab of pain = un élancement → « I felt a stab of pain down my left side. » to feel a stab of pity = être pris de pitié → « Against my will I felt a stab of pity for her. » to have a stab at sth = essayer qch to have a stab at doing sth = essayer de faire qch
verbe → (with knife) donner un coup de couteau à , (with dagger) poignarder → « One risk is that you'll get stabbed. » to stab sb to death = tuer qn à coups de couteau (fig) to stab sb in the back = poignarder qn dans le dos