royaume domaine → public opinion plays a vital role in the political realm → the realm of politics = le domaine de la politique → it's not beyond the realms of possibility = c'est du domaine du possible.
fam.: démarche, style « You have charisma, confidence, you have swagger. »« He has the look and swagger of a Hollywood star. » to swagger : plastronner, rouler les mécaniques
with a swagger = en plastronnant « he walked with a swagger. » swag = style ; butin
chic « a posh hotel »« a posh dinner party »« I wouldn't have thought she had such posh friends. »« He sounded so posh on the phone. » to talk posh = parler d'une manière affectée.
coeurs, trèfles, carreaux, piques (cartes) « The ace of hearts, the king of clubs, the queen of diamonds and the jack of spades » : l'as de coeur, le roi de trèfle, la reine de carreau, et le valet de pique
four-leaf clover = trèfle à quatre feuilles
to be in clover = être comme un coq en pâte
à ne pas confondre avec "clubs"(aux cartes) « the king of clubs »
grossier, épais, dru. Coarse cloth, skin, hair, grass.
grossier, vulgaire (=foul-mouthed) « He objected to her coarse and offensive remarks »« A rather coarse fellow. » coarse fishing = pêche à la ligne.
infect, immonde, affreux « The weather was foul »« What a foul smell! »« He was in a foul mood »« I've had a really foul day at work. » [language] ordurier « I won't have you using such foul language in my house! » by fair means or foul = par n'importe quel moyen.
faute (de jeu). To commit a foul on sb. « He was sent off for fouling the goalkeeper. » to cry foul = crier à l'injustice « Tourists cry foul as euro pushes up cost of holidays. » to foul = polluer, souiller « Two oil spills near Los Angeles have fouled the ocean. » to foul up = bloquer « It is raining again this morning which will foul up traffic. » foul-mouthed = grossier « that fat, racist, foul-mouth friend of yours. » foul play = jeu irrégulier « Players were warned twice for foul play. » Meurtre « Foul play is not suspected. » foul-smelling = puant
foul-tasting = infect
foul-tempered = d'un caractère de cochon
foul-up = cafouillage « A series of technical foul-ups delayed the launch of the new product. » professional foul = faute délibérée.
profane (=non-expert) « The mere mention of the words `heart failure', can conjure up, to the layman, the prospect of imminent death. » in layman's terms = en langage de tous les jours, en termes profanes « explaining scientific breakthroughs in layman's terms. »
faiblesse « a triumph of will over human frailty. »« the frailties of human nature. » fragilité « She died after a long period of increasing frailty. »
lutter corps à corps « He leapt onto the vehicle and wrestled (with) the driver. » to wrestle with sth [+problem, question] se débattre avec qch. « He wrestled with the decision for several weeks, wondering what he should do. » to arm-wrestle (with sb) = faire un bras de fer (avec qn). « Did any of you boys ever arm-wrestle? »
pénible, bouleversant « Some viewers may find these scenes distressing. »« Seeing your baby vomit can be very distressing. »« Tranquillizers help alleviate the distressing symptoms of anxiety. »
chatouiller « I was tickling him, and he was giggling. »« A beard doesn't scratch, it just tickles. »« This scarf tickles. » fig.: réjouir « it tickled me to see them together again. »« This is so adorable, it tickles my heart ! »
maître d'hôtel, majordome « The butler, as the senior male servant, has the highest servant status. » bouteiller (officier chargé autrefois de l'approvisionnement en vin).
agile « everything had been stitched by Molly's nimble fingers. »
vif « if they want to keep their minds nimble, they must use them. »
nimble-fingered = aux doigts agiles
nimble-footed = au pied léger
nimbleness = agilité, vivacité
rêne « She gripped the reins tightly. »
to give sb free rein = donner carte blanche à qn « The government gave free rein to the private sector in transport. »
to keep a tight rein on sth = exercer un contrôle strict sur qch « The Government is keeping a tight rein on public expenditure. »
to rein in = réfréner « He has had to rein in his enthusiasm. »« The government finally reined in inflation by sending interest rates soaring. »
téméraire « She was reckless and utterly without fear. »
with reckless abandon = avec témérité « I was on my dirt bike, barreling down a gravel road full speed with the reckless abandon that only a 13-year-old boy could have. »
to boast = se vanter (=to brag) « Stop boasting! » to boast about sth = se vanter de qch. « Carol boasted about her costume. » to boast of/that = se vanter de « He boasted of being involved in the arms theft. »« He boasted that he was someone great. » vantardise « This isn't meant as a boast »« her boast of being a great lover. »