1- marmotter, marmonner. Ex: he mumbled a few words of apology ; her grandmother mumbled constantly in her sleep ...
2- marmottement, marmonnement. Ex: he could hear the low mumble of Navarro's voice.
1 (=leap) bond m , saut m
2- ressort → One day they would get a real sofa, with springs.
3- source → a mountain spring.
4 (=leap) bondir → the panther crouched, ready to spring : la panthère se tapit, prête à bondir
→ to spring to one's feet :se lever d'un bond → he sprang to his feet : il se leva d'un bond
→ to spring to attention se mettre au garde-à-vous ; the guard sprang to attention : le garde se mit au garde-à-vous.
→ to spring into action passer à l'action
→ to spring into life se mettre en marche brusquement
→ to spring open s'ouvrir brusquement
5- (=stem) to spring from = provenir de → these problems spring from different causes.
1- piqûre → She felt a prick on her neck.
2- (=penis) bite
3- (=worthless person) connard → He's such a prick.
>> to prick o.s. on sth se piquer avec qch → I've just pricked myself on a thorn → to prick one's finger → I've pricked my finger → she had just pricked her finger with the needle.
1-(=nonsense) conneries → What a load of crap!
2- nul → Their new album is really crap
3- to have a crap = to crap = chier → Someone had crapped on the doorstep.
vif, entraînant, qui a du punch [clothes, look] élégant. Ex: « to be a snappy dresser » = être élégant, à la mode irritable, brusque « he was very snappy with me this morning. » « make it snappy! » = grouille-toi!, magne-toi!
repousser urgent action is necessary to ward off the threat of starvation. she may have put up a fight to try to ward off her assailant.
parer (risque), conjurer, éviter. Ex : Tanning cream may ward off skin cancer.