Mots difficiles en anglais


clé de voûte (=capstone). « Keeping inflation low is the keystone of their economic policy. »


1- donner un coup de pied → he kicked me → he kicked the ball hard. 2- ruer → that old mare kicks like a mule. 3- to get a kick out of sth = se régaler de qch → they loved argument, and got a kick out of court proceedings. 4- to do sth for kicks = faire qch parce qu'on aime les émotions fortes → I guess she does all these dangerous sports for kicks.


cool, great   « Look at this kickass website, »


rein « He's got kidney trouble » (=il a des problèmes de reins)
kidney disease = maladie rénale
kidney failure = insuffisance rénale


famille   « she has gone to live with her husband's kin. »        
kith and kin = parents et amis « his loyalty, he said, was first of all to his own kith and kin. »
next of kin = parent le plus proche « we have notified their next of kin (=nous avons avisé leurs proches).   »
"next of kin" (on forms) = "nom et prénom de votre plus proche parent".


[behaviour] farfelu
[sexually] vicieux, pervers he likes kinky sex = il a des goûts sexuels un peu spéciaux
olé olé kinky rubber underwear = des dessous olé olé en latex
[rope, cable] entortillé, emmêlé
[hair] crépu, frisé

KISS principle

le principe KISS, "Keep it Simple, Stupid", préconise de rechercher la simplicité en évitant toute complexité non nécessaire. Ce principe est appliqué dans le développement logiciel, le journalisme, la photographie, l'ingénierie, l'aviation, etc.

kith and kin

parents et amis Why did no one think to mention that Van Garretts are kith and kin to the Van Tassels?


de filou « I should not have thought that at your age you would be capable of such a knavish trick. »

knock off

quitter (le travail) → « what time do you knock off? »
piquer → « he was planning to knock off a few videos, but the boss found out. »
knock it off! = ferme-la! → « Knock it off, I'm trying to concentrate. »


gloire, prestige, lauriers. « Kudos to you if you solved that problem ! » « You almost got it perfectly, kudos ! »
to gain kudos = gagner en prestige « He gained a lot of kudos when he was chosen to play Hamlet. »
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