odeur, parfum. « The scent of flowers. »« She wears too much scent. »
to be on the scent of sth = être sur une piste.
to be on the scent of sth big = être sur un gros coup
to throw sb off the scent = lancer qn sur une mauvaise piste
to scent = parfumer ; flairer
bousculade « There was a mad scramble for the back seat. » (=il y eut une folle bousculade pour la place du fond.) lutte « in their scramble for top spot in the charts » (=dans leur lutte pour la première place au hit-parade). the scramble for jobs = la ruée sur les emplois avancer péniblement « Tourists were scrambling over the rocks. » (= les touristes avançaient péniblement dans les rochers). to scramble for [+door, exit] se ruer vers « I scrambled for the door » to scramble for [+tickets, shares, prize] s'arracher « More than three million fans are expected to scramble for tickets. » [+signal, message] brouiller [+eggs] brouiller
[+paper, material] chiffonner to screw up one's face = faire la grimace to screw up one's eyes = plisser les yeux to screw up one's courage = prendre son courage à deux mains [+holiday, plan, machine, job] fiche en l'air → « the car broke down, so that screwed up our holiday → they screwed things up big time. » [+person] perturber → « my mother really screwed me up. »
couture your coat is falling apart at the seams = votre manteau se découd. my suitcase is bursting at the seams = ma valise est pleine à craquer joint, soudure fig.: their marriage falling apart at the seams = leur mariage craque
expérimenté, aguerri, chevronné. A seasoned professional. A seasoned observer.
assaisonné. « The dishes are highly seasoned with salt and pepper. »
séché → « Make sure the timber is well seasoned. »
[dish, water, grave] peu profond the shallow end = le petit bain [person, mind, novel] superficiel, qui manque de profondeur shallows = bas-fond thousands of little fish swim in the shallows.
simulacre « They will prove that their love is real and their marriage not a sham. » imposteur « This man was a sham, an imposter. » feint, simulé, bidon « sham marriage. » to sham = feindre, simuler, faire semblant. « He's shamming » = il fait semblant.
bouclier, écran protecteur he used his left hand as a shield against the reflecting sunlight = il se servit de sa main gauche pour protéger ses yeux de la lumière du soleil. trophée our school won the sports shield last year. to shield = protéger a parasol to shield her from the sun.
1- pousser → he dragged her out to the door and shoved her into the street → she shoved as hard as she could.
2- to shove sb out of the way : écarter qn en le poussant
3- fourrer → We'll shove an extra paragraph in here → he shoved a cloth in my hand. Il m'a fourré un torchon dans la main.
4- to give sb/sth a shove : pousser qn/qch → the car won't start. Can you give it a shove ?
frère, sœur His siblings are mostly in their early twenties. sibling rivalry = rivalité entre frères et sœurs Sibling rivalry often causes parents anxieties.
on a slant = n pente « The house is on a slant. » point de vue « These two papers give a completely different slant on events. » to give a slant to sth = déformer qch
to slant = pencher « The old wooden floor slanted a little. » slanted = incliné, oblique -> « slanted text. »
sophistiqué, très au point There's a big difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production. fluide a slick gear change. [person, speech] mielleux slick politicians. oil slick = nappe de pétrole, marée noire The oil slick is now 35 miles long.
fente, incision the skirt has a slit at the back = la jupe a une fente dans le dos fendu (jupe), bridé (yeux) fendre (=split), inciser, couper the skirt was slit up the side = la jupe était fendue sur le côté to slit somebody's throat = égorger quelqu'un she slit her wrists = elle s'est ouvert les veines.
fente I dropped a coin in the slot and the music started. slot machine = machine à sous, distributeur automatique créneau, plage horaire) visitors can book a slot up to a week in advance. a TV show in the popular 8 p.m. slot. time slot = créneau horaire to slot sth into sth = encastrer qch dans qch, insérer qch dans qch
insulte racial slur "Canadian" becomes newest racial slur : racists in the American South have begun using the term "Canadian" as a slur against African Americans. Stronger words, including the “N” word are too harsh to be used without repercussions. to be a slur on sth = porter atteinte à qch (=to smear) (=mumble) bredouillement to slur = mal articuler
1 [ashes, rubble] être encore chaud → the ruins are still smouldering.
2 [hatred, resentment] ne pas être éteint → his hatred for his brother still smoulders after twenty years.
inconvénient, difficulté. A police clampdown on car thieves hit a snag when villains stole one of their cars... to hit a snag = rencontrer une difficulté => Sudanese peace talks have hit a new snag after rebels refused to discuss garrisoning their forces
vif, entraînant, qui a du punch [clothes, look] élégant. Ex: « to be a snappy dresser » = être élégant, à la mode irritable, brusque « he was very snappy with me this morning. » « make it snappy! » = grouille-toi!, magne-toi!
petit somme « to have a snooze »« I've just had a nice snooze. » snooze button = bouton d'arrêt momentané (d'un radio-réveil)
to snooze = sommeiller « when you snooze you lose... »
fantôme agent secret, barbouze to spook = faire peur à « you spooked her! spooky : qui donne la chair de poule, sinistre that's spooky! [audio] »
to spook = effrayer
to be spooked by sth = être effrayé par qch
1 (=leap) bond m , saut m
2- ressort → One day they would get a real sofa, with springs.
3- source → a mountain spring.
4 (=leap) bondir → the panther crouched, ready to spring : la panthère se tapit, prête à bondir
→ to spring to one's feet :se lever d'un bond → he sprang to his feet : il se leva d'un bond
→ to spring to attention se mettre au garde-à-vous ; the guard sprang to attention : le garde se mit au garde-à-vous.
→ to spring into action passer à l'action
→ to spring into life se mettre en marche brusquement
→ to spring open s'ouvrir brusquement
5- (=stem) to spring from = provenir de → these problems spring from different causes.
tremplin, plongeoir. « Springboard dives » = plongeons du tremplin.
springboard for sth = un tremplin pour qch. « The 1981 budget was the springboard for an economic miracle. »« A springboard to success. » écran d'accueil d'iOS (iphone).
pousser, germer « If you leave onions long enough they will start to sprout. »« Is it safe to eat potatoes that have sprouted ? »« Chinese restaurants have sprouted everywhere. » Brussels sprouts = choux de Bruxelles.
faire gicler (liquide), faire jaillir squirt some oil on the hinges = mettez quelques gouttes d'huile sur les gonds. they were squirting each other with water = they were squirting water at each other he squirted some soda water into his whisky. giclée, jet [of mustard, ketchup, etc] péj.: minus, avorton, mioche
(with knife) coup m de couteau , (with dagger) coup m de poignard, (with fork) coup f de fourchette → « He was killed by one stab of the knife. Il a été tué d'un seul coup de couteau. » a stab of pain = un élancement → « I felt a stab of pain down my left side. » to feel a stab of pity = être pris de pitié → « Against my will I felt a stab of pity for her. » to have a stab at sth = essayer qch to have a stab at doing sth = essayer de faire qch
verbe → (with knife) donner un coup de couteau à , (with dagger) poignarder → « One risk is that you'll get stabbed. » to stab sb to death = tuer qn à coups de couteau (fig) to stab sb in the back = poignarder qn dans le dos
rassis, éventé
blasé « He was stale and tired. » [idée, concept] éculé, rebattu, dépassé
moribond « the story of a stale marriage swapped for a grand passion. » [haleine] fétide
stale link (web) = lien brisé, périmé
austere, désolé, morne → « We then passed through a much starker landscape. » [choix] douloureux. « UK companies face a stark choice if they are to stay competitive. » to issue a stark warning = lancer un sévère avertissement. « He issued a stark warning to Washington and other Western Capitals. » stark naked = complètement nu →« He came out of the bathroom stark naked. »
[hill, road] raide, abrupt, escarpé it's a steep climb to the village ; the plane went into a steep dive = l'avion se mit à piquer du nez [increase, fall] fort a steep drop in share prices = une forte chute du prix des actions [unreasonable] it's a bit steep asking us to do all that work by Friday! = c'est un peu fort or un peu raide de nous demander de faire tout ce travail pour vendredi to steep = (faire) tremper, macérer, mariner fig.: I want to steep myself in the atmosphere of the place.
raide, rigide guindé to be stiff = avoir des courbatures [competition, laws, penalties] sévère → « competition is so stiff that he'll be lucky to get a place at all. » to be bored stiff = s'ennuyer à mourir x to be frozen stiff = être mort de froid to be scared stiff = être mort de peur to be worried stiff = être mort d'inquiétude
puant → « they were locked up in a stinking cell » infect → « you couldn't hide anything in this stinking little town. » a stinking cold = un rhume carabiné → « I've got a stinking cold coming on. » stinking rich = bourré de pognon.
passage → « I first met her during my stint in Washington. » to have a stint as sth = faire un passage en tant que qch → « her brief stint as chief executive » to stint on sth = lésiner sur qch → « don't stint on the sugar. »
point de suture
I had five stitches. point m de côté
I can't run any more, I've got a stitch. to be in stitches = être plié de rire Here's a book that will have you in stitches
1- prendre d'assaut → They decided to storm the building.
2- to storm in : entrer en trombe
to storm out : sortir en trombe → after the argument, he stormed out of the house.
[on person, relationship, system, finances] pression the tax evasion scandal put considerable strain in the relationship between Germany and Liechtenstein tension (nerveuse)
to strain [+rope] = tendre ; [+system, resources, relations] peser sur, mettre à l'épreuve to strain a muscle = se froisser un muscle
to strain oneself = se forcer Shy people have a low Self-worth. To increase the self worth, one has to strain oneself in order to prove to oneself that one is actually worth something, able to achieve something.
enjambée, foulée he walked with long strides. démarche he had a purposeful stride = Il avait une démarche décidée. avancée a great stride has been taken towards our goal
promenade → leisurely stroll can be more beneficial than a marathon run → to go for a stroll se promener → they strolled along the beach. stroller = poussette
[person] gavé (=full up) « But you're just so stuffed you won't be able to drink anything. » to be stuffed full = être bourré à craquer « his wallet was stuffed full. »
fam.: démarche, style « You have charisma, confidence, you have swagger. »« He has the look and swagger of a Hollywood star. » to swagger : plastronner, rouler les mécaniques
with a swagger = en plastronnant « he walked with a swagger. » swag = style ; butin
essaim, nuée « She left amid a swarm of photographers. » se regrouper en masse, fourmiller, grouiller « They swarmed across the bridge. » to be swarming with people = grouiller de monde « The White House was swarming with security men. »
chanceler, balancer, tanguer. « He didn't fall, but swayed a little. » influencer. Do not be swayed by glamorous advertisements. emprise → to hold sway = exercer son emprise → to be under the sway of sb/sth = être sous l'emprise de qn/qch.
[restaurant, hotel, car] classe bruisser → the curtains swished open (=les rideaux s'ouvrirent dans un bruissement). to swish its tail [horse, cow] = fouetter de la queue.