Mots difficiles en anglais


(bonne) garde she was given the documents for safekeeping


culotté, gonflé « Are you that sassy with your parents, young lady? »
classe « his sharp sassy style » « colourful and sassy fashion accessories. »


effronté, provocant, grivois




échafaud, échafaudage




cuir chevelu


arnaque, escroquerie


voyou « you are such a scamp! »




odeur, parfum. « The scent of flowers. » « She wears too much scent. »
to be on the scent of sth = être sur une piste.
to be on the scent of sth big = être sur un gros coup
to throw sb off the scent = lancer qn sur une mauvaise piste
to scent = parfumer ; flairer


syn. de prick : connard, imbécile


1- explorer → I don't have time to scout the area for food 2- éclaireur, découvreur


bousculade  « There was a mad scramble for the back seat. » (=il y eut une folle bousculade pour la place du fond.)
lutte « in their scramble for top spot in the charts » (=dans leur lutte pour la première place au hit-parade).
the scramble for jobs = la ruée sur les emplois
avancer péniblement « Tourists were scrambling over the rocks. » (= les touristes avançaient péniblement dans les rochers).
to scramble for   [+door, exit] se ruer vers « I scrambled for the door »
to scramble for   [+tickets, shares, prize] s'arracher « More than three million fans are expected to scramble for tickets. »
[+signal, message] brouiller
[+eggs] brouiller

screw up

[+paper, material] chiffonner
to screw up one's face = faire la grimace
to screw up one's eyes = plisser les yeux
to screw up one's courage = prendre son courage à deux mains
[+holiday, plan, machine, job] fiche en l'air → « the car broke down, so that screwed up our holiday → they screwed things up big time. »
[+person] perturber → « my mother really screwed me up. »


fripouille, ordure, salaud (scum = racaille) « And then you've got a scumbag like Richardson that still out there... »


couture your coat is falling apart at the seams = votre manteau se découd. my suitcase is bursting at the seams =  ma valise est pleine à craquer
joint, soudure
fig.: their marriage falling apart at the seams = leur mariage craque


sans couture
fig.: homogène, cohérent


expérimenté, aguerri, chevronné. A seasoned professional. A seasoned observer.
assaisonné. « The dishes are highly seasoned with salt and pepper. »
séché → « Make sure the timber is well seasoned. »


point virgule


doué de sens, sensible « most animals are sentient beings, with complex sensations and emotions. »


  manière  dont les choses sont organisées
  coup monté


miteux « a shabby house with worn carpeting on the stairs. »
moche « what a shabby way to treat your friends ! »




louche, véreux « shady financiers » « He made money in various shady ways. »


hampe « the shaft of the penis is not as sensitive as the tip »


[dish, water, grave] peu profond the shallow end = le petit bain
[person, mind, novel] superficiel, qui manque de profondeur
  shallows = bas-fond thousands of little fish swim in the shallows.


simulacre « They will prove that their love is real and their marriage not a sham. »        
imposteur « This man was a sham, an imposter. »
feint, simulé, bidon « sham marriage. »
to sham = feindre, simuler, faire semblant. « He's shamming » = il fait semblant.


shea butter : beurre de karité


combines Lynette thinks that our shenanigans have gotten a little out of hand


bouclier, écran protecteur he used his left hand as a shield against the reflecting sunlight = il se servit de sa main gauche pour protéger ses yeux de la lumière du soleil.
trophée our school won the sports shield last year.   
to shield = protéger a parasol to shield her from the sun.


[person, behaviour] louche « he looked shifty » (il avait l'air louche).
[eyes] fuyant


miroitement, chatoiement
miroiter, chatoyer
shimmering = miroitement, miroitant


miroitement, chatoiement
to shimmer = miroiter, chatoyer i want to shimmer like a star


de mauvaise qualité shoddy workmanship = du travail mal fait a shoddy imitation = une piètre imitation


(jolie) fille, gonzesse, petite amie « Yo shorty, it's your birthday »

shotgun wedding

mariage précipité (souvent dû au fait que la mariée est enceinte)


1- pousser → he dragged her out to the door and shoved her into the street → she shoved as hard as she could. 2- to shove sb out of the way : écarter qn en le poussant 3- fourrer → We'll shove an extra paragraph in here → he shoved a cloth in my hand. Il m'a fourré un torchon dans la main. 4- to give sb/sth a shove : pousser qn/qch → the car won't start. Can you give it a shove ?


perspicace, judicieux You're a very shrewd guy ! I think you've made a shrewd investment there.




frère, sœur His siblings are mostly in their early twenties.
sibling rivalry = rivalité entre frères et sœurs Sibling rivalry often causes parents anxieties.


déchiffrer → « Symphony musicians cannot necessarily sight-read. »

silly goose

fam., fig.: bécasse => « This meeting is for scouts only, you silly gooses! »

silver lining

to have a silver lining = avoir de bons côtés
every cloud has a silver lining = à une chose, malheur est bon

silver lining

aspect positif de qqch.
every cloud has a silver lining = à qqch malheur est bon.
to have a silver lining = avoir de bons côtés.


éloquent a silver-tongued lawyer.




salope, pute



skipping rope

corde à sauter

skull job



mouffette (→sconse) drunk as a skunk = être bourré comme un coing (=sloshed) → « man, she was drunk as a skunk Saturday night. »


on a slant = n pente « The house is on a slant. »
point de vue « These two papers give a completely different slant on events. »
to give a slant to sth = déformer qch  
to slant = pencher « The old wooden floor slanted a little. »
slanted = incliné, oblique -> « slanted text. »


bâclé → « My cooking is rather slapdash. »
[person] brouillon → « He is rather slapdash in his approach. »

slap = gifle, gifler.


luge, traîneau
to sled = faire de la luge « Winter is a great season for outdoor activities, such as sledding and skating. »


traîneau (=sled) « Santa Claus flying in his sleigh. »


sophistiqué, très au point There's a big difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production.   
fluide a slick gear change.
[person, speech] mielleux slick politicians. 
oil slick = nappe de pétrole, marée noire The oil slick is now 35 miles long.


fente, incision the skirt has a slit at the back = la jupe a une fente dans le dos
fendu (jupe), bridé (yeux)
fendre (=split), inciser, couper the skirt was slit up the side = la jupe était fendue sur le côté
to slit somebody's throat = égorger quelqu'un she slit her wrists = elle s'est ouvert les veines.


[work] peu soigné , bâclé
[appearance] négligé, débraillé
[film, letter] sentimental You'll write me sloppy letters


bourré (drunk) → I got so fucking sloshed last night!


fente I dropped a coin in the slot and the music started.
slot machine = machine à sous, distributeur automatique
créneau, plage horaire) visitors can book a slot up to a week in advance. a TV show in the popular 8 p.m. slot.
time slot = créneau horaire
to slot sth into sth = encastrer qch dans qch, insérer qch dans qch


limace « Slugs wreak havoc on young plants. »
balle (=bullet)  « A shotgun slug is typically far more massive than a rifle bullet. »


lent, mou « I feel very sluggish today »
stagnant [business, sales]

slumber party

soirée entre copines (au cours de laquelle on regarde des films, on discute et on dort toutes ensemble).
slumber = sommeil


insulte racial slur "Canadian" becomes newest racial slur : racists in the American South have begun using the term "Canadian" as a slur against African Americans. Stronger words, including the “N” word are too harsh to be used without repercussions.
to be a slur on sth = porter atteinte à qch (=to smear)
(=mumble) bredouillement
to slur = mal articuler


1 [ashes, rubble] être encore chaud → the ruins are still smouldering. 2 [hatred, resentment] ne pas être éteint → his hatred for his brother still smoulders after twenty years.


inconvénient, difficulté. A police clampdown on car thieves hit a snag when villains stole one of their cars...
to hit a snag = rencontrer une difficulté => Sudanese peace talks have hit a new snag after rebels refused to discuss garrisoning their forces


vif, entraînant, qui a du punch
[clothes, look] élégant. Ex: « to be a snappy dresser » = être élégant, à la mode
irritable, brusque « he was very snappy with me this morning. »
« make it snappy! » = grouille-toi!, magne-toi!


ricaner, sourire d'un air sarcastique
to sneer at sb/sth = se moquer de qn/qch avec mépris → « She was afraid he would sneer at the idea. »


bribes → on the bus I heard this interesting snippet of conversation.


petit somme « to have a snooze » « I've just had a nice snooze. »
snooze button = bouton d'arrêt momentané (d'un radio-réveil)  
to snooze = sommeiller « when you snooze you lose... »


réconfort, consolation. « They find solace in each other's company. » « I hope you can find some solace in this book. »


étudiant de deuxième année
sophomore year = deuxième année


claque • fessée >> to spank = donner une fessée. Ex: he needs a good spanking.


étincelle (propre et figuré)
[+riot, crisis, row, debate] déclencher
[+interest] éveiller
bright spark = petit futé




clairsemé, épars, peu abondant


(fig.) furie, hystérique with a few pricey gifts you'll be able to tame that little spitfire.


parodie, canular  « that's a spoof of a dramatic music video »


parodie « a spoof of a popular movie »
canular (=hoax)


agent secret, barbouze
to spook = faire peur à « you spooked her!
spooky : qui donne la chair de poule, sinistre that's spooky! [audio] »

to spook = effrayer
to be spooked by sth = être effrayé par qch


1 (=leap) bond m , saut m 2- ressort → One day they would get a real sofa, with springs. 3- source → a mountain spring. 4 (=leap) bondir → the panther crouched, ready to spring : la panthère se tapit, prête à bondir → to spring to one's feet :se lever d'un bond → he sprang to his feet : il se leva d'un bond → to spring to attention se mettre au garde-à-vous ; the guard sprang to attention : le garde se mit au garde-à-vous. → to spring into action passer à l'action → to spring into life se mettre en marche brusquement → to spring open s'ouvrir brusquement 5- (=stem) to spring from = provenir de → these problems spring from different causes.


tremplin, plongeoir. « Springboard dives » = plongeons du tremplin.
springboard for sth = un tremplin pour qch. « The 1981 budget was the springboard for an economic miracle. » « A springboard to success. »
écran d'accueil d'iOS (iphone).


lutin, elfe, farfadet


pousser, germer « If you leave onions long enough they will start to sprout. » « Is it safe to eat potatoes that have sprouted ? » « Chinese restaurants have sprouted everywhere. »
Brussels sprouts = choux de Bruxelles.




qui a du cran a spunky girl


sordide « a sad, squalid town »


faire gicler (liquide), faire jaillir squirt some oil on the hinges = mettez quelques gouttes d'huile sur les gonds. they were squirting each other with water = they were squirting water at each other he squirted some soda water into his whisky.
giclée, jet [of mustard, ketchup, etc]
péj.: minus, avorton, mioche




(with knife) coup m de couteau , (with dagger) coup m de poignard, (with fork) coup f de fourchette → « He was killed by one stab of the knife. Il a été tué d'un seul coup de couteau. »
a stab of pain = un élancement → « I felt a stab of pain down my left side. »
to feel a stab of pity = être pris de pitié → « Against my will I felt a stab of pity for her. »
to have a stab at sth = essayer qch
to have a stab at doing sth = essayer de faire qch

verbe → (with knife) donner un coup de couteau à , (with dagger) poignarder → « One risk is that you'll get stabbed. »
to stab sb to death = tuer qn à coups de couteau
(fig) to stab sb in the back = poignarder qn dans le dos


rassis, éventé
blasé « He was stale and tired. »
[idée, concept] éculé, rebattu, dépassé
moribond « the story of a stale marriage swapped for a grand passion. »
[haleine] fétide
stale link (web) = lien brisé, périmé


endurance, vigueur « players also need great stamina as they have been known to cover more than six kilometres in a single match. »


endurance « I have always admired the strength and stamina of dancers. » « Shopping is a woman's game. It requires unlimited stamina. »


ruée, débandade => « 10 people were killed in a stampede »


austere, désolé, morne → « We then passed through a much starker landscape. »
[choix] douloureux. « UK companies face a stark choice if they are to stay competitive. »
to issue a stark warning = lancer un sévère avertissement. « He issued a stark warning to Washington and other Western Capitals. »
stark naked = complètement nu →« He came out of the bathroom stark naked. »


ferme, résolu « We are grateful that God remains steadfast in his love for us. »


célérité wild animals demand secrecy and stealth from the photographer.
by stealth = furtivement
stealth aircraft = avion furtif


coursier, destrier. Fiona: "where would a knight be without his noble steed!?"


[hill, road] raide, abrupt, escarpé it's a steep climb to the village ; the plane went into a steep dive = l'avion se mit à piquer du nez
[increase, fall] fort a steep drop in share prices = une forte chute du prix des actions
[unreasonable] it's a bit steep asking us to do all that work by Friday! = c'est un peu fort or un peu raide de nous demander de faire tout ce travail pour vendredi
to steep = (faire) tremper, macérer, mariner fig.: I want to steep myself in the atmosphere of the place.


puanteur. « The putrid stench of death. » « The stench of betrail. »

step up

[+efforts, production, sales, campaign, security] = intensifier → « the government is stepping up its efforts. »


beau-père (d'un remariage)
père du conjoint = father-in-law




raide, rigide
to be stiff = avoir des courbatures
[competition, laws, penalties] sévère → « competition is so stiff that he'll be lucky to get a place at all. »
to be bored stiff = s'ennuyer à mourir
x to be frozen stiff = être mort de froid
to be scared stiff = être mort de peur
to be worried stiff = être mort d'inquiétude

to stiffen = (se) raidir, (se) durcir.


puant → « they were locked up in a stinking cell »
infect → « you couldn't hide anything in this stinking little town. »
a stinking cold = un rhume carabiné → « I've got a stinking cold coming on. »
stinking rich = bourré de pognon.


passage → « I first met her during my stint in Washington. »
to have a stint as sth = faire un passage en tant que qch → « her brief stint as chief executive »
to stint on sth = lésiner sur qch → « don't stint on the sugar. »


point de suture I had five stitches.
point m de côté I can't run any more, I've got a stitch.
to be in stitches = être plié de rire Here's a book that will have you in stitches


stockingbas. « a pair of stockings »


bar-stool = tabouret  m  de bar She fell off a bar stool when she was drunk.
piano stool =  tabouret de piano


1- prendre d'assaut → They decided to storm the building. 2- to storm in : entrer en trombe to storm out : sortir en trombe → after the argument, he stormed out of the house.


cuisinière « place the pan on top of the stove »
gas stove, electric stove = cuisinière à gaz / électrique  
camping stove = réchaud de camping


[on person, relationship, system, finances] pression the tax evasion scandal put considerable strain in the relationship between Germany and Liechtenstein
tension  (nerveuse)

to strain [+rope] = tendre ; [+system, resources, relations] peser sur, mettre à l'épreuve
to strain a muscle = se froisser un muscle

to strain oneself = se forcer Shy people have a low Self-worth. To increase the self worth, one has to strain oneself in order to prove to oneself that one is actually worth something, able to achieve something.

strained = [voice, face] tendu ; [laugh] forcé


bloqué, coincé « We were stranded in Paris. » « Jellyfish that were stranded on the beach » = des méduses échouées sur la plage.


the possessive streak in her = ses tendances possessives   
to have a mean/evil streak = avoir un fond de méchanceté


enjambée,  foulée he walked with long strides.
démarche he had a purposeful stride = Il avait une démarche décidée.
avancée a great stride has been taken towards our goal


promenade → leisurely stroll can be more beneficial than a marathon run → to go for a stroll
se promener → they strolled along the beach.
stroller = poussette




barbe de plusieurs jours
designer stubble = barbe de trois jours « a man with designer stubble and smart Italian clothes. »
chaume (in field)

studded with

studded with sth = truffé de qch « those tombs are studded with emerald and other precious stones »


[person] gavé (=full up) « But you're just so stuffed you won't be able to drink anything. »
  to be stuffed full =  être bourré  à craquer « his wallet was stuffed full. »


stupéfiant, renversant
fantastique, superbe


éblouissant « You look stunning! » « Her dress was simply stunning. »
stupéfiant « a stunning victory in the general election. »


cascade « Steve McQueen did his own stunts. »
stuntman = cascadeur « Buster Keaton : the greatest stuntman of all time? »


cascadeur. « John Bernecker is being remembered as one of the most talented stuntmen in Hollywood. »


bégaiement « I didn't notice his stutter at first. »
to have a stutter = bégayer -> « He's got a stutter. »


banlieue (= suburb, suburbs)
bedroom suburb = banlieue-dortoir
garden suburb = banlieue résidentielle

suck up

lèche-cul, fayot
to suck up to = fayoter « Now that he's the boss they're all sucking up to him, hoping to get big raises. »



sugar daddy

papa gâteau


super, superchouette. « She was a super-duper assistant. »


certain, infaillible


(=cotton wool) tampon
(=sample) prélèvement


fam.: démarche, style « You have charisma, confidence, you have swagger. » «  He has the look and swagger of a Hollywood star. »
to swagger : plastronner, rouler les mécaniques
with a swagger = en plastronnant « he walked with a swagger. »
swag = style ; butin




classe (=swish, fancy) → one of the swanky hotels that line the Pacific shore at Acapulco.


essaim, nuée « She left amid a swarm of photographers. »
se regrouper en masse, fourmiller, grouiller « They swarmed across the bridge. »
to be swarming with people = grouiller de monde « The White House was swarming with security men. »


chanceler, balancer, tanguer. « He didn't fall, but swayed a little. »
influencer. Do not be swayed by glamorous advertisements.
emprise → to hold sway = exercer son emprise → to be under the sway of sb/sth = être sous l'emprise de qn/qch.

sweet tooth

to have a sweet tooth = avoir un faible pour les sucreries


pourceau, porc swine flu
salaud he realised what a swine he had been.


[restaurant, hotel, car] classe
bruisser → the curtains swished open (=les rideaux s'ouvrirent dans un bruissement).
to swish its tail [horse, cow] = fouetter de la queue.
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