bouclier, écran protecteur he used his left hand as a shield against the reflecting sunlight = il se servit de sa main gauche pour protéger ses yeux de la lumière du soleil. trophée our school won the sports shield last year. to shield = protéger a parasol to shield her from the sun.
[concept, idea, word] désuet in 2015 information will only come in video, and text and images will become some quaint, outdated media, like engravings are now. quaint old 50s phrases. the Seventies disco craze now seems impossibly quaint and dated. pittoresque quaint little shops and arcade restaurants.
bassin « we've got a pond in our garden. » étang « ponds attract migrating birds. » a duck pond = une mare aux canards lily pond = mare aux nénuphars the pond = l'Atlantique
[behaviour] farfelu [sexually] vicieux, pervers he likes kinky sex = il a des goûts sexuels un peu spéciaux olé olé kinky rubber underwear = des dessous olé olé en latex [rope, cable] entortillé, emmêlé [hair] crépu, frisé
se blottir we huddle out of the cold in a small, warm room to huddle around a fire = se blottir autour d'un feu to huddle together = se blottir les uns contre les autres a huddle = un petit groupe they collapsed in a huddle.
ne pas être de taille, être hors de portée Don't even try it, she's way out of your league! Her success has taken her out of my league : son succès l'a rendue inaccessible aux gens comme moi.
appât (sens propre et figuré) « he lured the youngsters by using his own children as bait. » to bait = amorcer, appâter, provoquer « the defense lawyers tried to bait him and get him to act aggressively »« he delighted in baiting his mother. »
séducteur, homme à femmes the mack = the boss Roney Binepal is a Mack. to mack = flirter, séduire I'm gonna go mack on some fine ass bitches right now.